the wrap around garden

The garden of the property was already well established, but due to the impending installation of a large garden office the clients wanted some design advise and ideas for how the garden could be changed to better incorporate it. 


The garden wrapped around the entire property with most of the garden at the rear and on the right hand side which extended round the driveway. The clients wanted to keep the newly installed hard landscaping around the house but wanted to make more of the garden itself, including the opportunity to grow fruit and vegetables, as well as creating privacy from the adjoining public space to the north and east of the property. 

concept plans and mood boards

A complete garden survey was undertaken which encompassed the whole site including the driveway and front garden. As the final design for the garden office hadn't been decided, three concept plans were created based around different variants of the garden office. The concepts could be interchanged depending on the overall look the clients wanted. The concepts also included different ideas for the area for fruit and vegetable growing. Mood boards were also created aligned to each of the concept plans to help the clients envisage how the garden could look.