THE blank canvas

The garden of this new build property was a complete blank canvas. The owners wanted some structure and planting to help create privacy from the properties overlooking at the rear. They also wanted to extend the small patio and path installed by the developer to create a larger outside dining space for entertaining.


Almost completely square, the garden sloped slightly to the left at the bottom, but it was the centre of the garden that had the biggest drainage problem. The whole garden required some decent weather before an extension to the patio and path could be completed and the grass laid. 

CONCEPTS and mood boards

 A full garden design survey was carried out and from this three concept plans were created to help the clients visualise how the garden space could be utilised most effectively. Mood boards were also provided to give the clients ideas for planting with the emphasis on grasses and fragrant plants near the house with larger trees and shrubs for privacy at the rear of the garden.


6 ft panel fencing was installed first, replacing the post and rail demarcation fencing installed by the developer. It was recommended that because of how damp the back garden was in the winter, that the fencing was raised on concrete gravel boards with concrete posts to ensure that it lasted more than a few years. The path was widened and the patio substantially increased. The area adjacent to the patio was left unturfed ready for installation of a gravel bed ready for the barbeque area. The clients decided at this point that a shed wasn't required but bin storage was still a consideration. The turf was laid with a metre wide bed around the fence which could be extended for planting. 

Planting plans

A master planting plan was created for the clients to do their own planting over the course of the next few years as their budget and time dictated. Plants were carefully selected to create the right look and feel to complement the hard landscaping whilst also providing privacy for the clients over time. The planting follows a theme round the garden, so they are able to purchase plants in blocks when they are available/in season. Individual plans for each of the borders round the garden were also created, each with a plant list specifying quantities, height, spread and any specific plant requirements.